Thursday, May 3, 2007

In Search of Freedom

Welcome to the Freedom Search,

Close your eyes for just a sec and tell me if you remember the freedom of wind in your hair and sun on your face? Can you recall the wonderful smell of babies hair or a puppy's breath? The freedom of their innocence? That moment when you climb into bed on sheets that have been dried outside or walked into a kitchen filled with the marvelous fragrance of home baked bread? Or that free feeling on the first day of summer vacation as you ran out of school?

True freedom is more than just a desire. It is a memory. A snippet of time. Distant and compelling. Something we search for, think about and wish we could recapture, run to and find again - FREEDOM! You likely do remember the feeling of those moments of freedom and yet, although those memories are warm and comforting, when was the last time you stopped .......

...... a long time ago, I'll bet. Why? What is it about our human condition that causes us to lose our focus, to shift the best of our experiences and memories to the back of a dusty corner in our minds? We are no longer free. How is it possible that we can lose sight of what matters - and worse - not realize that we have done so? I believe we have are burdened by events that have become so overwhelming it is simply easier to hide inside of other things than to face the day to day stresses that mark this journey.

I can no longer watch the news. Our world, yours and mine, is changing. We face obstacles previously unknown to any other generation. Do you realize there are folks born since 1980 who have never lived without the threat of AIDS? Can anyone imagine a time before children shot children in school? Or when buildings did not tumble upon themselves from the sky? Is it any wonder that we plug ourselves into our work, come home exhausted, sit in front of a machine (that great and terrible invention of we humans) and lose ourselves in that other world? In search of some alternate freedom?

Before you leave and consider jumping out a window, please stop.....
and listen..... to what I know.

I know that we are good and decent people striving to evolve. I know we have been born of a generous spirit, with loving hearts. I know that when the worst things happen, the best of us emerges. That despite it all we search for hope, immerse ourselves in faith and believe there is a better way if only we could find it.

How do I know all of this? I am not smarter than anyone else, nor am I more caring nor more anything at all. I am simply human. And being human has taught me compassion and having compassion has taught me empathy and being empathetic has taught me what I know. And, you guessed it, we want freedom.

Here's something else I know - now - there are remedies. If you are like the rest of just about everyone I know, then I would wager everything that you are searching for some relief. Freedom to do, to have, to be. And that's where we come together. You and I.

I have spent a great deal of time in a very successful career that promised to take me up the corporate ladder as far as I chose to go. Then BAM it was over. I was sick. So, because I refuse to give in or give up, onward I went into a business..... where..... even an optimist like me was destined to fail. And fail I did! Big, big time. So, I went from determined to desperate in what seemed like seconds. I could barely breathe! Successful people do not fail - HA!

Here's what I really do know. Do not quit. Do not give up on you! Promise yourself that every day. You will believe in you. You will work for you. You will harvest your energies and invest them in you! That's what I did. But not alone. I got lucky. I found a mentor. My mentor introduced me to another mentor. That mentor was my mentor's mentor (you follow)?

So, here's where we are. If you are convinced that you are where you want to be, then be there. If you are convinced that you have to slave away for someone else, then please do so. If you believe that you cannot change, be changed or change someone else's life, than feel free to so believe!

BUT. If you want to be more, to do more, to feel more, to have more, to share more, then I promise you there are opportunities. Glorious opportunities that can pull you out of the place where freedom is an unknown and into an avenue where you drive and own the car!

And, I am going to help you find them all. Please give yourself a break. Put your faith in you. Trust yourself.

Listen. Hear. See. Feel. Breathe..... and Trust.

Take a moment to digest this. I want to hear from all of you. If you are ready to break free, then let me know. There are rewards, surprises and bonuses to be discovered and a new lifestyle to live. If you trust in you.

I want you to take advantage of me; of what I have discovered in these thousands of hours in my search for freedom. There are very different freedoms for which we search. My search began because of a desperate financial situation. I had to find a way to get out of this spiral of fear, debt and doubt. But what I got was something much bigger. So much more important. I got me back. I learned things about how to feel better each day; about how to view my life as a lifestyle rather than an existence!

I discovered these things because of others. Because my mentors reached out and said, "you are not alone we will walk with you." They inspire me, challenge me and tempt me to believe I can do this. I can build a future, and some day very soon, find my true freedom. And on my journey, I made myself a promise. I will find others who need a coach - a mentor. Someone who truly understands their desperation and feels their fears and frustrations.

So, my fellow freedom searchers, here we are. We have found each other against all odds and in the face of a world of complacency. I am going to urge you to take the first step. To meet my first mentor, to experience what she knows, how she knows it and what she can do for you.

I am going to help change the direction of your life. To move you into a different place and time. I am going to coach you to challenge yourself - but most of all - I am going to share everything I have learned with you. If you want it, it is here.

Join me. Take action. Be more. Do more. Get more. Be free!

That is it for my first chance to find you and make you part of my team of Freedom Searchers.

I will be back every week. Let me know if you see what I saw when you first meet Mary.

Until then, I wish you everything you wish for yourself.

Creative Balance Inside and Out

PS - My site is in process. Be on the lookout. There are free gifts there that will astound you!

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